juju 2.0 beta3 push this week

Rick Harding rick.harding at canonical.com
Thu Mar 17 18:51:08 UTC 2016

Juju 2.0 beta3 will not be out this week.

The team is fighting a backlog of getting work landed. Rather than get the
partial release out this week with the handful of current features and
adding to the backlog while getting that beta release out, the decision was
made to focus on getting the current work that’s ready landed. This will
help us get our features in before the freeze exception deadline of the

We have several new things currently in trunk (such as enhanced support for
MAAS spaces, machine provisioning status monitoring, Juju GUI embedded CLI
commands into Juju Core), but we have important things to get landed. These

- Updating controller model to be called “admin” and a “default” initial
working model on bootstrap that’s safely removable
- Minimum Juju version support for charms
- juju read-only mode
- additional resources work with version numbers and bundles support
- additional work in the clouds and credentials management work
- juju add-user and juju register to sign in the new user

The teams will work together and focus on landing these and we’ll get a
beta with the full set of updates for everyone to try out next week. If you
have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


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