Issues with missing positional arguments....

Tom Barber tom at
Thu Mar 3 22:28:58 UTC 2016

Evening all here's one that someone with more brains than me can answer:

I'm having issues with this with the config-change and upgrade-charm hooks

Both have a nasty habit of returning:

2016-03-03 22:25:44 INFO config-changed TypeError: check_running() missing
1 required positional argument: 'java'
2016-03-03 22:25:44 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook
"config-changed" failed: exit status 1

Me and Cory mulled it over without any great resolution last night, but can
someone explain why check_runnnig baulks. Is it because the Java layer
passes the java object but the config-changed and upgrade-hook don't and so
I need to split them out? or is there a nicer solution?




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