Get number of units

Marco Ceppi marco.ceppi at
Wed Mar 2 11:45:15 UTC 2016

To answer your question anyways, you can do this with the peers relation:

``` metadata.yaml
        interface: my-service-cluster

So, at anytime, in any hook you can do the following:

``` bash
rid=$(relation-ids cluster)
for unit in $(relation-list -r $rid); do
    echo "It's a  peer and confidant $unit"

However, since Juju gives unique numbers for each unit, you could use a
units number to enumerate a port. You wouldn't need the peer relationship
for this directly. As an example

``` bash
port=$(expr $port_start + ${JUJU_UNIT_NAME##*/})

So if it's unit/0 you'll get 4000, if it's unit/10 you'll get 4010, etc.
Since unit numbers are unique in Juju you'll never get a conflict.

Marco Ceppi

On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 6:29 AM Tom Barber <tom at> wrote:

> Scrap that, I have an alternative solution!
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> On 2 March 2016 at 11:22, Tom Barber <tom at> wrote:
>> Morning
>> I need to open an extra port for each unit in my charm, can I ask juju
>> for a count of running units in a service?
>> Thanks
>> Tom
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