using a bundle with manually added machines (redux)

Vance Morris vmorris at
Thu Dec 29 14:19:01 UTC 2016

Whoops, sorry for that last message -- let's try this again!

Hi all,

Is it possible to use a bundle.yaml in conjunction with manually added machines?

$ juju version

$ juju status
<< snip >>
Machine  State    DNS       Inst id           Series  AZ
0        started  REDACTED  manual:REDACTED   xenial  
1        started  REDACTED  manual:REDACTED   xenial  
2        started  REDACTED  manual:REDACTED   xenial 
<< snip >>

When I go to deploy a bundle that defines machines 0, 1, and 2 and describes deployment of services to these machines, the charms are deployed, but no units are created.
ERROR cannot deploy bundle: cannot create machine for holding aodh, ceilometer, ceph-mon, ceph-osd, cinder, glance, keystone, mongodb, mysql, neutron-api, neutron-gateway, nova-cloud-controller, nova-compute, openstack-dashboard, rabbitmq-server, swift-proxy and swift-storage-z1 units: cannot add a new machine: use "juju add-machine ssh:[user@]<host>" to provision machines

If I manually deploy charms to the manually added machines, it's happy to oblige. Any suggestions?


Vance Morris
vmorris at
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