Keeping action descriptions tight

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Tue Aug 23 12:03:28 UTC 2016

Working with the Kubernetes charms today (thanks Chuck & friends) I saw

$ juju list-actions kubernetes
clean-containers   Garbage collect non-running containers
clean-images       Garbage collect non-running images
guestbook-example  Launch the guestbook example in your k8s cluster
microbot           Launch microbot containers
pause              Cordon the unit, pausing all future workload
scheduling on this unit,
and drains active workloads
resume  UnCordon the unit, enabling workload scheduling. Workloads
will automatically balance into the unit

The fact that we have a bunch of useful operational actions crowdsources
for Kubernetes is brilliant, but the way that list gets wonky towards
the end with overrunning text lines is a niggle. Should we just
hard-truncate such descriptions in a single line, so reinforce the
social contract around keeping those summaries one-line friendly?


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