Deploying local code

Alexander Taler alex at
Tue Aug 16 11:19:36 UTC 2016

Thanks for pointing that out Tim.

Resources look good for basic use cases, with a small number of
files, but there are a couple of scenarios which I don't think it
would handle well:

 - Handling a variable number of files, such as code which can
   have arbitrary dependencies. They could be combined into a
   single archive, but that makes versioning difficult.
 - Handling third party packaging and installation tools like npm
   or similar, providing a fast proxy with proper control over
   what's delivered.


  > Hi Alexander,

  > Great to hear fellow kiwis interested.

  > The dealing with artifacts is exactly the problem that resources were
  > designed to fix. A charm defines the resources it needs and as the charm is
  > deployed, it also has the resources fetched.

  > Personally I've not used any charms yet that use or defines resources, but
  > I'm sure there are some eco team folks that could point you to some good
  > examples.

  > Cheers, Tim

  > On 16/08/16 12:27, Alexander Taler wrote:
  >> Hello everyone, I'm brand new to Juju, so first I'll say thanks for the
  >> exciting project, I really think that Juju takes the right approach to
  >> deployment.
  >> I will be using Juju to help software development companies build
  >> deployment automation for their own work. The first requirements I'm
  >> focussing on are:
  >> - Deploy specific revisions of their code (source or compiled)
  >> - Control dependencies so that identical software can be redeployed
  >> I am thinking to approach this by creating an artefact repository within
  >> the model, and then having charms fetch their dependencies from this
  >> repository. The repository could be a caching proxy server, or be
  >> populated directly from the client machine.
  >> Are these already solved problems? Is anyone already working on something
  >> along these lines? Does my approach sound reasonable, and aligned with the
  >> future of Juju? I would of course be happy to contribute back anything
  >> that I develop.
  >> Also thanks to the Launchpad team, if you're listening, for the "related
  >> projects" feature when registering a new project; it led me to Juju.
  >> Alex

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