The move to 2.0 gives the wrong impression to new users

Merlijn Sebrechts merlijn.sebrechts at
Mon Aug 8 11:37:42 UTC 2016

Hi all

I think that the way the move to Juju 2.0 is being handled gives the wrong
impression to (new) users. Some examples:

   - The docs default to Juju 2.0 but show a big red warning banner that
   2.0 isn't ready for production. A user reading the warning banner might
   think "This isn't what I want. I want a production-ready system.". The user
   then proceeds to click on the "stable" link in the top left corner only to
   find himself back to the 2.0 docs. So 2.0 is not production ready but is
   considered stable?
   - The Charm store also has switched to show the Juju 2.0 commands. Here
   it is even worse, since there is no way to revert back to the 1.25
   commands. This is very confusing for newcomers as you can see in the case
   of Steve Pe.
   - Today I start my laptop and try to connect to my Juju cluster only to
   find that `juju-1` has been uninstalled during an upgrade. I'm running the
   latest stable Ubuntu LTS (16.04.1), I'm using the stable juju ppa and I'm
   using the latest stable Juju. This gives off the impression that Juju is
   not production ready.

I totally understand that you want as much people banging on Juju 2.0 as
possible, but I think you are hurting the Juju brand in the process.

Sorry for the rant. Maybe I'm just nitpicking..

Kind regards
Merlijn Sebrechts
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