Juju as a snap

Stuart Bishop stuart.bishop at canonical.com
Wed Aug 3 09:07:15 UTC 2016

On 3 August 2016 at 04:00, Nicholas Skaggs <nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com>

> The Juju client has been snappified and pushed to the juju store. Note for
> now it's just an amd64 build.
> snap install juju --beta --devmode
> The beta channel contains the latest beta, 2.0-beta13. This is a sneak
> preview of further builds, including the latest crack available in the edge
> channel as development happens.
> Note, that you will need to use juju add-credential to re-add your
> credentials for the snap -- credentials are not shared with the debian
> package. Also, should you have the debian package (from the archive or ppa)
> installed, it has priority in PATH for 'juju'. Uninstall the package, or
> run the snap directly by calling /snap/bin/juju.
> Feedback is welcome and appreciated! If you are running ubuntu 16.04 you
> already have snappy installed. Give it a try!

Any idea how plugins will work once you get this confined? I think plugins
will also need to be snapped and connected by an interface somehow (esp. as
deb packaged plugins would likely drag in a non-snap'd juju).

(Got my lxd environment bootstrapped, so working fine here!)

Stuart Bishop <stuart.bishop at canonical.com>
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