[ANN] charm-tools 1.9.3

Marco Ceppi marco.ceppi at canonical.com
Wed Nov 25 16:02:01 UTC 2015

Hello everyone!

I'm happy to announce another charm-tools release today, this is the 1.9.3
which succeeds 1.8.0 as the latest release of charm-tools. If you've
managed to install 1.9.0, 1.9.1, or 1.9.2 in the past several days please
be sure to upgrade. As always, you can verify the version you are running
by executing: `charm version`

# Changes

5cadfda [Marco Ceppi] version bump
8c09431 [Marco Ceppi] Make sure wheel is available in build venv fixes #51
11557b3 [Marco Ceppi] version bump
2a70207 [Marco Ceppi] install_requires needed because Homebrew can't handle
a pip install
f820bfd [Marco Ceppi] version bump
3ae864a [Marco Ceppi] virtualenv is a dependency
975702a [Marco Ceppi] version bump
55193cd [Cory Johns] Switch WheelhouseTactic to use a venv and include
(newer) pip in wheelhouse
67639fa [Cory Johns] Added support for building a wheelhouse
da058a3 [Tim Van Steenburgh] Implement charm-proof for storage
a098a99 [Benjamin Saller] special case 'help' for issue #35
b2ec3b1 [Benjamin Saller] metrics no longer defaults to off

## Proof now supports storage

This was a nice update with the new storage feature in 1.25 - we're keeping
a close eye on 1.26 and will make sure metadata changes there are supported.

## Wheel House for layer dependencies

Going forward we recommend all dependencies for layers and charms be
packaged in a wheelhouse.txt file. This perform the installation of pypi
packages on the unit instead of first on the local machine meaning Python
libraries that require architecture specific builds will do it on the units
architecture. This also provides the added bonus of making `charm layers` a
much cleaner experience.

Here's an example of side-by-side output of a charm build of the basic
layer before and after converting to Wheelhouse.

Previous: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13502779/ (53 directories, 402 files)
Wheelhouse: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13502787/ (3 directories, 21 files)

This is the superior way package dependencies in charms, and we look
forward to current layers migrating to a wheelhouse tactic. That said,
charms which currently use a .pypi file in the lib directory will continue
to work as expected and is a supported method of including dependencies.

# Install
Charm Tools is available to users either via the juju/stable PPA, Homebrew,
or pip

## PPA

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install charm-tools

## Homebrew

    brew install charm-tools

* This will be available once
https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/pull/46352 has been merged

## PIP

    pip install -U charm-tools

Marco Ceppi
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