Unit number is increasing in latest juju version.

Sunitha Radharapu sradhara at in.ibm.com
Fri Nov 13 09:50:15 UTC 2015


We have found in juju  version that each time service gets
deployed unit number is increased like below.
 "service-name/1, service-name/2,  service-name/n......"
Earlier juju versions everytime we would deploy  unit number would be same
as "service-name/0".

Due to this change our amulet tests are failing since we have hardcoded
unit name as  shown below;

def test_case(self):
        unit_manager_0 = self.d.sentry.unit['ibm-mobilefirst-server/0']
        address = unit_manager_0.info['public-address']

 Can you please suggest a way to get dynamic unit name while running tests.


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