Screenshots in charm READMEs (policy request)

Jorge O. Castro jorge at
Mon Feb 2 12:16:29 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

Rick H. mentioned to me that if a charm has a Markdown image snippet, like say:


... then will render the screenshot.

Clearly this is a nice easy way to allow charm authors to add
screenshots to their charm in the store, however, since we're serving
the entire charm store over https the image URLs need to be served
over https, so I would like to add the following to charm store

"You can add screenshots to your readme using standard markdown
format(link), however in order to be rendered in the store, the images
must be served over https",

We recommend something like imgur that has https and a CDN that makes
it dead easy for people to host images. Over time Rick plans to enable
us to host images and do fancier things, but the intent of this is
just to allow images for people with little effort on the backend


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