[Review Queue] zulu8, mysql, bird, calico, apache2, postgresql, and ethercalc

Marco Ceppi marco.ceppi at canonical.com
Fri Dec 4 13:27:40 UTC 2015

On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 6:21 PM Cory Johns <cory.johns at canonical.com> wrote:

> Greetings!
> The big data team, including myself, Kevin, Andrew, and Konstantinos, hit
> the Review Queue today:
>    -
>    zulu8
>    -
>       https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/1519858
>       -
>       Refactor to use java interface
>       -
>          https://github.com/juju-solutions/interface-java
>          -
>       Discovered issue when charm-building on one architecture and
>       deploying to another:
>       -
>          https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/58
>          -
>       This charm could not be successfully deployed, but we suggested
>       README and reactive changes to fix this.
>       -
>       We also ran into a source control issue that may affect other
>       layered-charm authors. The *source* for a charm can be committed anywhere
>       (launchpad, github, etc), but it must not interfere with where the charm
>       store will look for deployable charms:
>       -
>          lp:~<user>/charms/<series>/<charm>/trunk
This is one of the first charms submitted to the review queue which is in
reactive. This is amazing, but it's caught us a bit off guard. Yes, the
generated charm needs to be in this branch format. However, `charm upload`
has entered private beta, which will streamline this experience soon. Just
wanted to make everyone aware of that, esp those making charms with
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