The future of Charm Helpers

Marco Ceppi marco.ceppi at
Tue Aug 11 13:42:54 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,

There have been a lot of conversations had over the past few months about
charm-helpers and how to proceed forward with the project. As a result of
these conversations I'd like to surface the following items for discussion:

# Trimming down charm-helpers

The first item, and arguably the largest is a complete reorganization of
the current charm-helpers code base. Originally, charm helpers was setup to
allow a path for developers to place unstable code (contrib directory)
where they could iterate without a guarantee of API stability. However,
this quickly grew to include code that simply didn't make sense as a "core"
feature of charm-helpers. This includes a large set of code for domain
specific charm ecosystems (bigdata, openstack, storage) as well as quickly
fixes to missing features in Juju (leader election).

The amount of collaborative code in contrib is fantastic! However, it's
making the release and distribution of charm-helpers more complicated. With
an inability to keep up with documentation for methods contrib and the
"volatile" nature of "unstable API", I'd like to propose we completely
remove the contrib directory and instead urge code maintainers in contrib
to create their own libraries for the feature and code they wish to
maintain going forward which simply depends on charm-helpers for the code
in core.

This will allow groups like bigdata, openstack charmers, storage, and
others to maintain their own release and review process for helpers
specific to their solutions, as well as their own means of delivery (be it
charm-helpers-sync, pypi, debian, or another means). This will also GREATLY
slim down the charm-helpers library to instead include one of two things:

- API in Python for communicating with Juju
- Simple collection of tools in Python to solve shared universal problems

Which roughly translates to,, and fetch tools. Once
contrib is removed and relocated I'd like to also propose flattening the
library namespaces from

charmhelpers.core.hookenv -> charmhelpers.hookenv ->
charmhelpers.core.files ->
charmhelpers.core.fstab ->
charmhelpers.core.sysctl ->
charmhelpers.core.kv -> separate project?

Everything else, outside of contrib would remain the same. While I think
it's important to slim down charm-helpers I'm not convinced the above
outlined rename/code merges are the right or best way forward. I welcome
feedback and a discussion around this.

# Packaging charm-helpers

Currently, charm-helpers are available via either bazaar source or PyPI.
With a more stable, slim, and maintainable code base we would like to
package charm-helpers still on PyPI with semantic versioning, make a
dist/wheel[0] available for embedding (instead of charm-helpers-sycn), and
in Debian and have them available via a PPA but also potentially in the
archive proper.

The hardest challenge will be keeping the archive as up to date as possible
with releases of charm-helpers. Since charms and Juju versions are
decoupled from packages "frozen" in the archive, just having a version of
charm-helpers in the archive for the version of Juju in that archive won't
necessarily last the test of time. Someone deploying a charm now from a new
version of Juju against trusty would get the 1.21 equivalent of
charm-helpers which may not include the new leadership or extended status
methods causing the charm to fail erroneously.

Having a PPA can alleviate this, but PyPI and PPAs may interfere with
firewalls and policies where Juju is being deployed. Opinions on how to
help with this are appreciated. Otherwise, we may simply recommend authors
to use a bit of bootstrap code which attempts to install from PyPI, with a
fallback to install an embedded version of charmhelpers that was included
in the charm as a dist/wheel.

# Charm-helpers for other languages

We already have charm-helpers written for three languages! Python[0],
PowerShell[1], and Rust-lang[2]. By sliming down the charm-helpers we can
define a minimum requirement that each new charm-helper language should
expose. This will enable us to document charm-helpers more thoroughly and
include code examples for each language supported in our docs. Also, by
having a narrowly defined scope of methods, it enables other communities to
create helpers for their languages.

The PowerShell library was written by the folks at CloubBase, I had the
chance to sit down with them a few months back and review how their
structure looks. It's already very far along, includes unit testing, and
matches the relative structure we have had in the Python charm helpers for
some time. Going forward I'd like to continue this trend and sent some
guidelines around future charm-helper libraries for other languages.

# More exposure via the CLI

Finally, we have a CLI interface for the charm-helpers python library.
Recently there have been several merges which add exposure to additional
methods and features of python charm-helpers. I'd like to continue this
tend and add a CLI hook for everything in charm-helpers, within reason. A
recent addition, by Cory Johns, enabled the internal key-value store in
charm-helpers to be accesible via CLI. While making things like the
"config_get" method available by CLI is silly, other key and core methods
that exist as code in Python only and aren't a 1:1 bridge to Juju commands
should also be made available. This will allow authors creating first
drafts of charms in bash to access these higher methods.

# Conclusion

I welcome discussion, dissent, and suggestions around these topics. They
are by no means set in stone but are the assumed plan at the moment.

TL;DR: I want to make charm-helpers very slim, versioned, packaged,
documented, and easily portable to other languages.

Marco Ceppi
Juju Developer Experience group

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