We need a process to unpromulgate charms.

Richard Harding rick.harding at canonical.com
Mon Sep 1 17:36:40 UTC 2014

On Fri, 22 Aug 2014, Curtis Hovey-Canonical wrote:

> We can delete branches, the charm store will still have its copy. If
> ~charmer's branch is identical to another user's branch (possibly to
> original author), then I favour deletion [1]

The charm store has a script to remove charms as well. We're building this
into an admin api in the current charm store work we've got going on.

I do think we need a good practice/policy for this. I'm always nervous of
moving/deleting charms because it could break someone's bundle down the
road. This really has me thinking that promulgate/unpromulgate need to
support some idea of redirecting. Maybe there's something here in the idea
of a 'that no longer exists, an alternate can be located at the following
personal branch' redirect.

We can make an alternate path part of the api for removing a charm, again
it's something that might cause unnoticed changes in a bundle deployment
though. At least we'd hope it would continue to function though.


Rick Harding

Juju UI Engineering

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