Rails Charm Maintainer Needed

Charles Butler charles.butler at canonical.com
Fri May 9 19:10:01 UTC 2014

With no mention on this email, Im' going to assume responsibility over the
Rails charm moving forward.

Thanks everyone.

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Charles Butler <charles.butler at canonical.com
> wrote:

> Greetings Charmers!
> I've been spinning my wheels looking over the rails charm. Its a pretty
> heavy weight chef charm and I've got a bit of experience with our good
> friend Chef-Solo. The current RVM implementation is not up to par, so I'd
> like to re-factor a bit of the inner workings.
> Are any users currently using the Rails charm that would like to volunteer
> for testing of new rails charm builds? I'll take over the maintainership of
> the charm unless someone would like to step in and volunteer.
> Thanks everyone, and all the best
> Charles
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