juju manual bootstrap - does it work?

brian mullan bmullan.mail at gmail.com
Sun May 4 12:59:10 UTC 2014

Andrews... sorry but don't spend any more time troubleshooting this.   I'm
going to blow that server away and start over.
If I end up in the same place with the same problem I'll send another email
but I've already spent way too much time trying to get this server to work
via manual juju bootstrap.


On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 7:22 AM, brian mullan <bmullan.mail at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Andrew... information you asked for is inline.
> On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 10:12 PM, Andrew Wilkins <
> andrew.wilkins at canonical.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 2:11 PM, brian mullan <bmullan.mail at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>  I've tried for 2 days to get this to work and I'm stumped.
>>> using my laptop w/ubuntu 14.04 desktop
>>> remote server /w ubuntu 14.04 fresh server install
>>> I am the only account on both systems and I have both ssh and sudo
>>> access on both
>>> I can ssh & login to server just fine
>>> I even set up passwordless ssh for me from laptop to server and doing
>> When you did that, did you use ~/.ssh/id_rsa or something else?
> *I tried this two different ways*
> *$ssh-keygen -t rsa*
> *then*
> *$ ssh-add*
> *then*
> *$ ssh-copy-id my_login_ID@<server_ip>*
> *then tried juju bootstrap each time... when that didn't work I removed
> those keys and used the following which didn't work either.*
> *$ ssh-keygen*
> *then*
> *$ ssh-add*
> *then*
> *$ ssh-copy-id my_login_ID@<server_ip>*
> *But with either of the above passwordless ssh works for me if I just ssh
> to the server in a terminal window*
> *example:   ssh my_login_ID@<server_ip>*
> *logs me directly into the server with no password prompt.*
>>>    ssh me at server logs me directly into it just fine.
>> And "ssh me at server sudo true" works, without prompting?
>>  On laptop I've installed juju
>> Just to be clear, you're on 1.18.x?
> *yes... v1.18.1*
> *$ juju --version1.18.1-trusty-amd64*
>>  Created configuration template environments.yaml with:
>>>     default: manual
>>>         manual:
>>>             type: manual
>>>             # bootstrap-host holds the host name of the machine where the
>>>             # bootstrap machine agent will be started.
>>>             bootstrap-host: <server_ip>
>>>             # bootstrap-user specifies the user to authenticate as when
>>>             # connecting to the bootstrap machine. If defaults to
>>>             # the current user.
>>>             # bootstrap-user: <my_username_id>
>>>             # storage-listen-ip specifies the IP address that the
>>>             # bootstrap machine's Juju storage server will listen
>>>             # on. By default, storage will be served on all
>>>             # network interfaces.
>>>             # storage-listen-ip:
>>>             # storage-port specifes the TCP port that the
>>>             # bootstrap machine's Juju storage server will listen
>>>             # on. It defaults to 8040
>>>             # storage-port: 8040
>>> On my laptop I execute the following
>>>     *$ juju switch manual*
>>> then
>>>    * $ juju bootstrap*
>>> Juju appears to connect to the Server ok but I keep getting asked for a
>>> password??
>> Would you mind doing this again with "--debug" and replying with the
>> output?
> *bmullan at brians-juju:~$ juju bootstrap --debug *
> *2014-05-04 11:11:00 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:297 running
> juju-1.18.1-trusty-amd64 [gc]*
> *2014-05-04 11:11:00 DEBUG juju.environs.configstore disk.go:64 Making
> /home/bmullan/.juju/environments*
> *2014-05-04 11:11:00 INFO juju.environs.manual init.go:139 initialising
> "", user ""*
> *2014-05-04 11:11:00 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh ssh.go:234 using OpenSSH ssh
> client*
> *2014-05-04 11:11:00 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh ssh_openssh.go:122 running: ssh
> -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -i
> /home/bmullan/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa -i /home/bmullan/.ssh/id_rsa
> ubuntu at <ubuntu at> sudo -n true*
> *Password: *
> *2014-05-04 11:11:49 INFO juju.environs.manual init.go:150 ubuntu user is
> already initialised*
> *2014-05-04 11:11:49 INFO juju.provider.manual provider.go:33 initialized
> ubuntu user*
> *2014-05-04 11:11:50 DEBUG juju.provider.manual environ.go:194 using ssh
> storage at host "ubuntu at <ubuntu at>" dir
> "/var/lib/juju/storage"*
> *2014-05-04 11:11:50 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh ssh.go:234 using OpenSSH ssh
> client*
> *2014-05-04 11:11:50 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh ssh_openssh.go:122 running: ssh
> -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -i
> /home/bmullan/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa -i /home/bmullan/.ssh/id_rsa
> ubuntu at <ubuntu at> sudo -n /bin/bash*
> *Password: *
> *2014-05-04 11:12:39 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh ssh.go:234 using OpenSSH ssh
> client*
> *2014-05-04 11:12:39 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh ssh_openssh.go:122 running: ssh
> -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -i
> /home/bmullan/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa -i /home/bmullan/.ssh/id_rsa
> ubuntu at <ubuntu at> bash*
> *Password: *
> *I enter my password and it will just keep reprompting for "a password"...
> I'm not sure what password though as there is only one account on both my
> laptop and on the server.*
>>> The Juju Documentation at:
>>> https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-manual.html
>>> says...
>>> *The manual provider does not perform automatic machine provisioning
>>> like other providers; instead, you must manually provision machines into
>>> the environment. Provisioning machines is described in the following
>>> sections.*
>>> *Bootstrapping*
>>> *To bootstrap a manual environment, you must specify the bootstrap-host
>>> configuration, and optionally the bootstrap-user configuration. If
>>> bootstrap-user is not specified, then Juju will ssh to the bootstrap host
>>> as the current user. Once the configuration is specified, you bootstrap as
>>> usual:*
>>> *juju bootstrap
>>> *
>>> *The juju bootstrap command will connect to bootstrap-host via SSH, and
>>> copy across and install the Juju agent.*
>>> *When bootstrapping, Juju will create the "ubuntu" user if it does not
>>> already exist. To eliminate the need for repeated password prompts, Juju
>>> will configure password-less ssh and sudo for the ubuntu user.*
>>> I've tried with the environments.yaml "bootstrap-user" set to my User ID
>>> and i have also tried with "bootstrap-user" commented out which as the
>>> above documentation states "should" default to me as the "current user".
>>> First... Why would the *juju bootstrap* prompt for a passworrd
>> The only thing that springs to mind is that juju may be attempting to use
>> an SSH key that is not loaded by the SSH agent. The debug log should help
>> narrow this down.
> *as I pointed out above locally on my laptop after creating the Key I used
> -* * ssh-add *
>> Second... What password can this be??  Its not mine on either system and
>>> I also tried just "ubuntu" in case but neither is accepted.
>>> Both Ubuntu systems, my lapttop and the server, have had sudo apt-get
>>> update && sudo apt-get upgrade so they both should have had all latest
>>> package updates.
>>> Anyone got any ideas?
>>> Does juju manual bootstrap work in 14.04?
>> It works well for me, and there is automated testing in place for the
>> manual provider.
>> thanks in advance
>>> Brian
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