Help with arcitecture Part1

Brian Wawok bwawok at
Thu Mar 20 16:32:54 UTC 2014

I was chatting with some awesome people in #juju, but having trouble
deciding what to do. I was hoping that people with more juju experience
could tell me the right way to go for what I want to do, or if juju is just
a horrible idea in general and I should do something else.

I have spent a few days playing Juju charms. They seem cool. I think I can
use some of the existing juju charms in the store, and convert the rest of
my custom apps to juju charms without a lot of work. The question is, how
do I want to structure things in terms of manual vs openstack vs ????

Here is what I have:

Currently own all servers apps run on. Nothing in the cloud, basically want
a virtual private cloud. Say 100 servers I want to deploy 300 apps to.
 Random facts about the setup:
* 10 of these servers I want to run bare metal, i.e. 1 juju charm right on
the server.
* 90 of the servers I want to run a bunch of juju charms on them.
* I am leaning towards LXC as a way to separate charms because it seems to
work well, but it is also possible to just shove the apps right on the
server. LXC would just make it a little cleaner by providing some
environment separation, but it would not bury me under having to
preallocate memory and such as I would with OpenVZ or such.
* I always know exactly what I want to host where. So with the --to
command, i will say where an app should run. I don't need any magic in that
* I do not need any of the spin up more VMs when busy, spin down when slow
type magic. Happy to just run the VMs I need for peak load.
* I would like to buy a new server, plug it in, and have it available to
deploy apps to with no manual work.

So any ideas on ways to go?  It seems like MAAS is good, it gets servers
installed. Works well for my 10 apps that go right on metal. What about my
other 290 apps? I could
* Deploy multiple charms right to the server, forcing it with --to  (seems
easiest, but then I lose the nice separation LXC gives)
* Deploy an openstack charm to the 90 VM hosts, and then use juju to deploy
to it. That means I need 2 juju envionments (MAAS and openstack), and
openstack seems way too complicated for what I need. Do not need 90 GUIs to
manage, with 20 charm bundles.
* Do manual provisioning, and set up the LXC myself. Which may not be too
bad, but I have never done LXC by hand. And is there a downside to doing a
manual provisioning environment on top of a MAAS server?

Really, I just like how juju local works a lot. i want to expand that magic
to both new hardware from scratch, and to installing to many VMs.

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