Charm Ecosystem Status for 30 October

Jorge O. Castro jorge at
Wed Oct 30 17:49:07 UTC 2013

A very spooky charm status!!

## General Info
- [Pad](
- [Status Board](
- [Juju.u.c Meeting
- [Video of Meeting](

## Highlights

- Bundles are coming!
- 13.10 is out! New cycle planning begins! Check out the blueprints:
- We need to resubmit them to UDS if appropriate:
- 1.16.1 point release coming out this week!
- The "null" provider is now the ssh provider, and shall be forever
known as the ssh provider. All mentions of "null" provider shall be
stricken from the record as soon as it lands. We've always been at war
with Eastasia.

## Tools

- 1.1 release coming tomorrow with support for bundles.
- Minor bug fixes
- Charm testing template included to create boilerplate Amulet tests.

## Helpers

- no changes, tons of discussion, please join UDS for the details,
here's high level view:
  - Packaging for charm helpers, so you don't have to embed them anymore
  - Multiple language support in charm helpers!

## Amulet

- No changes, there will be more coming based on user feedback, no
release date set yet.

## Docs

- More work in the charm author docs specifically.
- Documenting the interfaces is coming
- config pages getting updated to reflect 1.16.
  - Would also like to rework some of the screenshots (HP Cloud changed again).

## Charm Updates

- Queue @
- CONTEST OVER! Judging has begun.
- Owncloud has critical fix in the charm queue, needs to get in asap.

- Lots of progress clearning it out over the past 2 weeks, we're
almost out of the hole.

## Bundles

What is a bundle?

- Jorge: Bundles are to charms as metapackages are to packages
- Marco: But you can define bundles of bundles, so it's more like a
bundle is a source package of a package that has multiple binaries.
- Ok enough with the analogies, bundles are sets of charms AND
relations that represent a workload, you deploy that into your cloud
so like.
- You can export a bundle from your GUI by hitting shift-d, and then
share with others
- You'll be able to share you bundle with the community, it's just a
simple yaml file.
- `charm tools` will lint your bundle!
- How do we promulgate official bundles?
- TODO for UDS, we need a session on Bundle policy.

## Events

- ConfigManagement Camp info out, some good interest so far
- ODS HongKong (Nov 5-8)
- LISA'13 (Nov 4) (GlusterFS community days)
- SCaLE CFP - 15 December
- RubyConf (Nov 8-10)
- AWS re:Invent (Nov 12-15)
- MongoSV (Beginning of Dec, TBD)
- Charm School schedule will be updated wih the t-cycle

## Charm Championship

- Submissions are in ... judging has begun!
- Announcement TBD.


- [jorge] Openstack bundle deployment thing from jamespage: SUPERCEDED
  - Cloud installer + we'll make other bundles for the GUI
- [m_3] mapR charm review: INPROGRESS
- [marco] Get 1.0(.1) charm-tools into precise: BLOCKED
- [marcoceppi] Document SimpleStreams, scrub docs to make sure
public-bucket-url and friends are updated: INPROGRESS
- [jorge] - Local provider troubleshooting: DONE
- [marcoceppi] - Document local provider troubleshooting: INPROGRESS
- [jorge] - Document local provider troubleshooting: INPROGRESS
- [nickveitch] - File a bug to bring -v back (show-log? really?): DONE
- [nickveitch] - Document tags in the MAAS provider: DONE
- [nickveitch] - control-bucket is now chosen automatically if omitted
from the configuration for new ec2 and openstack environments.: DONE
- [nickveitch] - admin-secret is now chosen automatically if omitted
from the configuration of a new environment.: DONE
- [jorge] [nickveitch] - Create a logging page.  Logging has changed.
You can specify an environment variable
  "JUJU_LOGGING_CONFIG", or you can specify --log-config on the
command line. To show the log on the command line, now use --show-log.
 The --debug has been kept to be short-hand for
"--log-config=<root>=DEBUG --show-log", and --verbose has been
deprecated with its current meaning.: TODO
- [marcoceppi] Document charmhelper http relations: TODO
- [marcoceppi] Documenting the ~charmers responsibilities: INPROGRESS

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd. - Automate your Cloud Infrastructure

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