What would you like to see in the virtual Charm School hangouts?

franck.dehay at orange.com franck.dehay at orange.com
Fri May 24 15:25:18 UTC 2013

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply, really nice to see top management involved in Juju ☺

We tried some basic charm writing and followed your advice to use ruby but ruby is not in the precise distribution!
So, am supposed to write the following install hook? :

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ruby-1.9.1-full
ruby install.rb

# whatever ruby code

This does not look very nice. Install here is installing the required tool for the installation.
Couldn’t we get a “pre-install” hook somewhere?
People writing python charms use jinja2 normally as well and imagine all kinds of pre-hook mechanisms that are rather ugly…
It should be possible to execute the pre-install hook if it is there thus not breaking existing charms.
Just my 2 cents

Best Regards
Franck Dehay

De : Mark Shuttleworth [mailto:mark at ubuntu.com]
Envoyé : mercredi 22 mai 2013 16:28
Cc : juju at lists.ubuntu.com
Objet : Re: What would you like to see in the virtual Charm School hangouts?

On 05/22/2013 02:49 PM, franck.dehay at orange.com<mailto:franck.dehay at orange.com> wrote:
Browsing through the charm store, I see lots of diversity, which is normal as juju requires only executable files as hooks.
Some implement all in one python program with symlinks (quite cute I would say), most do the install with bash…
If you guys had some proposal for best suited method it would be nice.

General guidance is that if you are serious about the charm, treat it like code, use version control and if possible test suites, and pick a high-level language you are comfortable in.

Most charms start out as a quick-and-dirty proof of concept in Bash, then the serious ones switch to something more suited to flow control, architecture and testing.

 I remember having read in the archives that python would be the recommended language.
Is it still the vision?

I would expect to see the Rails charm in Ruby, and the Node charm in Node.js :) We'll generally try to implement utilities as things which can be used from any language, but yes, many / most of the industrial-grade charms will use Python, given its status as a popular glue language.



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