[ANNOUNCE] New version of "jitsu test", juju-test

Marco Ceppi marco.ceppi at canonical.com
Thu May 23 22:08:16 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

Hot on the heels of plugin support[0] landing for juju-core I wanted to
announce the first "plugin" for juju, juju-test, which is a re-write of the
`jitsu test` command making it juju-core aware in addition to juju-0.x.
While I followed much of the original spec[1] for this (as well as the same
general structure of jitsu test) I took the liberty to add a few additional
components that will help in the automation of functional tests in charms
as well as give authors more control over testing their charms.

For starters a lot of the options have been made optional, defaulting to
"sane" values. So running `juju test` in a charm will result in charm
functional tests being executed.

Something that plagued the jitsu implementation was a lack of due diligence
during bootstrap. In that if a bootstrap failed either from an exit code >
0 or if the cloud just didn't provision machines it would result in tests
"failing" though it was in no way a fault of the test. The first release
will at least ensure a bootstrap is successful and the node is in a started
state before running the test.

Timeouts have been added when necessary (both for during the bootstrap as
well as for the test execution). These are configurable from the command

You can "break" on a failed test which will leave the environment running
and halt all testing.

You can execute one or more tests by passing them as command-line parameters

There's an entire help (-h|--help) with all options and their descriptions.

There's verbosity controls via (-v[v,] and -q)

There are still a few parts from the jitsu test program that I haven't
completed yet, mainly the ability to use --isolate-environment. If there's
someone with a use case for this would you let me know? I want to make sure
it gets implemented in a way that works for you. There is also a bit of
code cleanup and consolidation in order. Finally, output from the charm
tests isn't displayed at all (yet). This will need to be fixed, again just
trying to get this out as first revision.


This is a first cut of the tool, I welcome everyone's feedback,
implementation nitpicks  merge proposals, and bugs. I really want to make
sure this testing tool is as robust and open as it needs to be to run a
wide diversity of testing layouts. There's still a few more tests to be
written as well but I feel I've sat on this long enough and wanted to get
more eyes on.


Installation. Branch lp:juju-plugins, symlink
juju-plugins/plugins/juju_test.py to juju-test somewhere in your path. Run
juju-test -h inside a charm directory with embedded tests! I'll be working
on getting the setup.py and some basic packaging in a ppa soon.

[1]: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charm-tests.html
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