What would you like to see in the virtual Charm School hangouts?

Matthew Williams matthew.williams at canonical.com
Wed May 22 14:37:19 UTC 2013

It does seem that best practices and recommended tools/ workflows is 
something that keeps coming up. Maybe a charm school dedicated to 
writing a charm from scratch would be useful?


On 22/05/13 14:49, franck.dehay at orange.com wrote:
> Hello all,
> Being quite new to juju, I would like to be able to give fellow 
> programmers some best practices on how to write charms.
> We are investigating Chef as well and the move from bash to ruby was 
> seen as a progress (indempotence with keywords, templating engine...)
> Browsing through the charm store, I see lots of diversity, which is 
> normal as juju requires only executable files as hooks.
> Some implement all in one python program with symlinks (quite cute I 
> would say), most do the install with bash...
> If you guys had some proposal for best suited method it would be nice.
> I remember having read in the archives that python would be the 
> recommended language.
> Is it still the vision?
> Which templating method would be recommended (jinja?)
> Do you have one recommended charm as starting point?
> Thanks a lot!
> franck.dehay at orange.com <mailto:franck.dehay at orange-ftgroup.com>
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