Using Juju with HP-Cloud - fist impressions

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Mar 25 06:52:50 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 2013-03-25 7:36, Ian Booth wrote:
> Hi Zygmunt
> Thanks very much for taking the effort to report the problems you
> encountered.
>> 1) Links from to
>> various HP pages are broken
> It seems that the API Keys link is indeed broken, it should be:
> The others seem ok as far as I can tell. We'll arrange to get the
> broken link fixed.

I submitted:

As near as I can tell, 'juju-website' is only the theme, though, so I
couldn't actually fix the page itself. Hopefully Jorge can let us know
if there is something we can do to help him out.

>> 2) The configuration example on
>> is different than
>> what is generated by juju init. The difference is confusing, 
>> several fields seem to be conflicting in nature (default-series,
>> defaul-image-id).
> One possible reason for any difference is that the web page you are
> looking at was written for Python Juju. Go Juju doesn't
> deliberately use different config settings but there might be
> subtle differences.
> default-image-id: "75845"
> The image id above from juju init is for a recent Precise 12.04 64
> bit server. The 8419 image id on the web page is for a deprecated
> image, so the difference there is that the web page is out of date.
> A general comment - image ids are used right now because work to
> support constraints is not quite ready for Openstack deployments.
> The need for explicit image ids will disappear as soon as the
> constraints work is finalised.

Well, it is unclear if we will be able to remove this for HP Cloud
since we don't publish the images there ourselves.
So there isn't something like to query to find
out what the "current" images are for a given series on a given region.

We might end listing the images and trying to pull out the best match,
but that will be making assumptions about how HP puts stuff into the
'Name' field, which looks to be much more about human-readable rather
than machine processable.

> The default series config setting for Go Juju is commented out in
> the juju init generated config, but the purpose of the field is
> currently the same as for Python Juju. Work is being done in Go
> Juju to change how series is handled, and this will be documented
> in the relevant release notes.
>> 3) Juju gives a very confusing error message if object storage is
>> not activated and activated in the right region
> We'll see what can be done to improve the error message. Do you
> have an example of the message you are referring to?

You might try running "juju --debug <command>" which gives a bit more
context as to what is going on.

Object storage activation isn't something we've had to do ourselves,
so getting some context so we can give cleaner errors would be very

>> 4) Juju does not seem to work with keypair auth-mode, only
>> userpass seems to work.
> Yes, this is a known limitation. See bug 1135335.

We should update the documentation to point at userpass, which I added
to the above bug on juju-website.

>> 5) Region names seem to have changed as compared to our
>> documentation examples
> Do you have a specific example? The web page refers to region 
> "az-1.region-a.geo-1" and this is the same as I have in my
> OS_REGION_NAME env variable.
>> 6) the purpose of some fields feels too cryptic. I don't really
>> know what 'tenant-name' is for.
> From the juju init output:
> # Usually set via the env variable OS_TENANT_NAME, but can be
> specified here # tenant-name: <your tenant name>
> Where to get your tenant name is shown the the web page.
>> 7) Bootstrap fails like this:
>> zyga at g580:~$ juju bootstrap --upload-tools error: cannot start
>> bootstrap instance: cannot find image satisfying constraints:
>> failed to get list of flavours, caused by: no endpoints known
>> for service type: compute
> This indicates the region is not set correctly.
> Here's what I have my environment variables set to (and as per the
> juju init output, you could instead have this information in your
> environments yaml file):
> export OS_USERNAME="my user name here" export OS_TENANT_NAME="my
> tenant name here" export OS_PASSWORD="my password" export
export OS_REGION_NAME="az-1.region-a.geo-1"
> I hope the above helps. If anything is unclear, please do ask.

You should also feel free to ask for help on #juju-dev in That might be a better way to get interactive help.


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