Decentralizing reviews: Policy for subteams?

Jorge O. Castro jorge at
Tue Mar 19 19:51:56 UTC 2013

Ok so Mims figured out how to segment the charm store so that we can
have individual teams take over a charm, this would allow, for
example, the Juju GUI team to rev on their charm quickly without
blocking on ~charmers.

So over time we'd see things like "postgres-charmers" and
"openstack-charmers", and so on, all independently reviewing their own
work without blocking in the big queue.

As far as who owns the team, right now the consensus on IRC is
"~charmers create and own the groups", with a +2 needed to create a
team, with the understanding that the team cannot be open (so that any
person could join.) The subteam would manage itself, without needing
acks for future additions/removals/admin of the team needed.

Clint would also like to add a new snippet in policy that ~charmers
explain the responsibilities for team admins, "with great power comes
great responsibility." and all that.


Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.

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