Re: Cannot bootstrap due to “”precise“ images in RegionOne with arches [amd64 i386]” error

Andreas Hasenack andreas at
Tue Aug 13 16:49:47 UTC 2013

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Steven Hicks <shicks at> wrote:

>  So I asked this question on:
> I didn’t get a complete answer. So I figured you guys might have an
> idea:****
> ** **
> I am having an issue with installing Juju and bootstrapping. I have the
> Swift storage setup, and the new bucket gets created. The tools have been
> synced, and all that looks fine.****
> However when I attempt to bootstrap I get the error: "Cannot start
> bootstrap instance: no "precise images in RegionOne with arches."****
> In another bucket [Glance] I do have the Percise AMD64 image within it.
> I've even added the line for the "public bucket url." However, juju is
> still having this same issue.****
> Error:****
> juju -v bootstrap****
> 2013-07-31 22:08:05 INFO juju provider.go:115 environs/openstack: opening
> environment "openstack"****
> 2013-07-31 22:08:06 INFO juju provider.go:417 environs/openstack:
> bootstrapping environment "openstack"****
> 2013-07-31 22:08:16 INFO juju tools.go:26 environs: reading tools with
> major version 1****
> 2013-07-31 22:08:16 INFO juju tools.go:53 environs: filtering tools by
> series: precise****
> 2013-07-31 22:08:16 INFO juju tools.go:76 environs: picked newest version:
> 1.10.0****
> 2013-07-31 22:08:28 ERROR juju supercommand.go:235 command failed: cannot
> start bootstrap instance: no "precise" images in RegionOne with arches
> [amd64 i386]****
> error: cannot start bootstrap instance: no "precise" images in RegionOne
> with arches [amd64 i386]****
> The version that I am using is: 1.11.4-raring-amd64****
> My entire environments file is: [I removed all of the bits about MAAS,
> Amazon, and local]****
> default: openstack****
> ** **
> environments:****
>   openstack:****
>     type: openstack****
>     admin-secret: f[...]2****
>     control-bucket: juj[..]2a****
>     auth-url:

The above auth-url doesn't look correct, as it's pointing at localhost.
Unless you are running this on the keystone node itself, but still, it has
to match what is in the generated json files. Can you attach those two
files too? index.json and imagemetadata.json? And a "swift list juju-dist".
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