Alternative charm stores?

Peter M. Petrakis peter.petrakis at
Mon Nov 26 14:04:57 UTC 2012

On 11/22/2012 10:21 AM, Thomas Leonard wrote:
> Is it possible to host our own charm store? We've had to patch quite
> a few charms, and I see that the review queue for the official store
> is quite long, so I'd like to host them on our web-site. Also, we

Please reference the lp bug #s? If you have something in the review
queue that requires attention then please visit Freenode #juju, folks
are pretty responsive there.

> have some custom charms for experimental services which can't go in
> the official store.

For starters you can always deploy from a branch, see

If you really want your own charm store you could modify your local
copy of juju. The namespaces are defined in juju/charm/

def resolve:
     if url.collection.schema == "local":
         repo = LocalCharmRepository(repository_path)
     elif url.collection.schema == "cs":
         # The eventual charm store url, point to elastic ip for now b2
         repo = RemoteCharmRepository(CS_STORE_URL)

where CS_STORE_URL is,

This isn't configurable at the moment but patches are always welcome :)
It probably makes more sense to define your own namespace vs overriding
the root charm store.


> Thanks,

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