hook for destruction

Kapil Thangavelu kapil.thangavelu at canonical.com
Wed Nov 14 13:45:20 UTC 2012

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:17 AM, Gustavo Niemeyer <
gustavo.niemeyer at canonical.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Marcos Barbosa
> <marcosestevesbarbosa at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Any plans on milestone to not so deadly destruction system?
> There are many improvements being done on termination. In the released
> Go port, for example, the stop hooks actually work when you destroy a
> service or a unit.
> That said, destroy environment is special. The guarantee of really
> releasing the resources in use is important. If the command fails, you
> know that there may still be resources burning money.
> > I'm developing a Amazon RDS charm, but I need execute a script before
> > destruction to delete DB instance.
> The stop hook looks like a good place for those.
> another alternative that might suffice, when a relation between the rds
service and a consuming service is broken the rds service could clean up
the database (ideally this could be governed by a config value).


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