last call for juju orchestra users

Robbie Williamson robbie at
Thu Jul 26 21:23:26 UTC 2012

On 07/25/2012 01:48 PM, Kapil Thangavelu wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Orchestra upstream has been dead for a while, with continued development
> on bare metal provisioning focusing on the MaaS tool. In 12.04 juju had
> support for both orchestra and maas on the offchance that there were
> extant orchestra users, but its a maintenance burden to try and keep
> both bare metal tools up to date or tested in practice. I'd like to go
> ahead and drop the orchestra provider support from juju on the theory
> that no one is using it. If you are a juju orchestra user and would like
> to see it continue to be supported please speak up.
And know that by speaking up, you might be getting work ;)


> thanks,
> Kapil

Robbie Williamson <robbie at>

"Don't make me wouldn't like me when I'm angry."
 -Bruce Banner

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