Automated testing of Juju + Openstack

Adam Gandelman adamg at
Fri Jul 13 00:08:35 UTC 2012


I've put together some very basic functional tests intended to exercise 
Juju against Openstack Folsom via the EC2 provider.  I've added the test 
job to our automated, post-commit Openstack testing so that we can catch 
any upstream regressions early.  Currently it does some very basic stuff:

1. Bootstraps
2. Ensures a running instance state and agent state on node 0.
3. Deploys 2 services, ensures everything starts.
4. Confirms expose + unexpose work as expected.
5. Sets arbitrary config values via 'juju set' and ensures this results 
in changed configuration in the service, to verify hook execution.

You can checkout the results on our Jenkins dashboard:

I'm curious if there are any other areas that this testing doesn't touch 
that may be valuable in terms of verifying Openstack trunk still 
satisfies the needs of the EC2 provider?


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