Trouble using local environment

Thiago Cardoso artefon at
Wed Jul 11 13:35:46 UTC 2012


I am trying juju for my app deployment, but I'm having some problems
with local testing. When I bootstrap and deploy in
a local environment, I get the following status:

        $ juju status -e local
            agent-state: running
            dns-name: localhost
            instance-id: local
            instance-state: running
            charm: local:oneiric/crawler-1
            relations: {}
                agent-state: pending
                machine: 0
                public-address: null
        2012-07-11 09:55:55,628 INFO 'status' command finished successfully

The machine gets stuck at 'pending' state. debug-log gives the following output:

        $ juju debug-log -r -e local
        2012-07-11 10:00:32,087 INFO Enabling distributed debug log.
        2012-07-11 10:00:32,090 INFO Tailing logs - Ctrl-C to stop.
        2012-07-11 10:00:14,089 Machine:0: unit.deploy DEBUG: Created
master container thiago-local-0-template
        2012-07-11 10:00:14,090 Machine:0: unit.deploy INFO: Creating
container crawler-0...
        2012-07-11 10:00:21,467 Machine:0: unit.deploy INFO: Container
created for crawler/0
        2012-07-11 10:00:21,476 Machine:0: unit.deploy DEBUG: Charm
extracted into container
        2012-07-11 10:00:21,661 Machine:0: unit.deploy DEBUG: Starting
        2012-07-11 10:00:22,910 Machine:0: unit.deploy INFO: Started
container for crawler/0
        2012-07-11 10:00:22,911 Machine:0: unit.deploy INFO: Started
service unit crawler/0

The log stops at this point. I thought that it was downloading the
server image or something, but the network shows no activity.
 It is in this state for 30 minutes now, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance
-- Thiago

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