Juju needs security contacts

Francis J. Lacoste francis.lacoste at canonical.com
Fri Aug 24 20:05:58 UTC 2012

On 12-08-23 09:26 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:
> * Patches for private issues *must not* be pushed to launchpad
>   branches. Keep the branches local and share patches with reviewers
>   through other means. Attach patches to the private bug report when
>   they are ready.

Actually, you _can_ push it to Launchpad. You just then need to link the
private security bug to the branch and then make the branch 'Private
Security' by visiting the 'Edit Branch Details' page. The branch will
become only visible to the branch subscribers (as well as the people in
the project Private Security access group - that's a new Sharing feature
that was just released).

That allows you to use normal code review feature of Launchpad :-)

Let me know if you have any questions on this.


Francis J. Lacoste
francis.lacoste at canonical.com

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