Deploying units with a specific AMI

Kapil Thangavelu kapil.thangavelu at
Thu Apr 26 20:18:01 UTC 2012

Excerpts from Graham Binns's message of 2012-04-26 15:47:41 -0400:
> Hi all,
> Long story short: I'd like to be able to launch Juju nodes on EC2
> using a specific AMI. I know I used to be able to do this by setting
> default-image-id in my environments.yaml, but this now causes Juju to
> shout at me and then exit. Clint mentioned that he thought there was a
> way to use default-image-id still, but he couldn't recall it. Does
> anyone know what it might be?
> To save bikeshedding, I know that this is not the best way to do
> things. I'm looking to solve a particular problem and whilst there are
> other, more elegant solutions I'd quite like to know if my original,
> ugly solution could actually work.
> TIA,
> Graham
> -- 
> Graham Binns | PGP Key: EC66FA7D

you have to specify the ec2 url endpoint to use default-image-id, its 
functionality is preserved for private cloud usage where we don't have nesc. 
have an image to distro release mapping atm.



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