The principia distribution is created an initial formulas branches pushed

Clint Byrum clint at
Sat May 28 00:59:22 UTC 2011

Excerpts from Francis J. Lacoste's message of Fri May 27 11:08:09 -0700 2011:
> Hi,
> The principia distribution has finally been created.
> I've used bzr split to create a branch for each of the existing formulas and 
> pushed them to Launchpad. I had to publish a dummy package in my ppa to enable 
> me to push the mysql branch (working around bug 386596).
> You can see the available branches from:


> There branch removing the formula from principia-tools is available for review 
> split/+merge/62720
> The next steps are:
> * Fix the Launchpad bugs preventing bug filing and source package name 
> creation.
> * Document how to develop formula using Launchpad and this new distribution.
> * Update principia-tools documentation based on this new organization.
> I'll take care of making the first one happens, anyone volunteering for the 
> others?

I'll give the interim formula dev story a try and from that I should be able to
produce some documentation on how to do it.

If nobody else knows a better tool than mr, I'll use that until we have
a proper repository.

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