Question about txzookeeper license

Alexandre Parenteau aubonbeurre at
Sun Dec 11 09:43:20 UTC 2011


My question relates to txzookeeper only, but I could not find a
specific mailing list, please let me know if there is a more
appropriate place to ask the question.

In my company, I'd like to suggest to use txzookeeper for a
proprietary project, however I'm unsure of what is the license for it.

- Launchpad lists the project as being GNU LGPL v3.
- Pypi lists it as both LGPL (no version) and MIT license
- The code itself has license files for both GNU GPL v3, and GNU LGPL v3

As a subsidiary question, is there a thinking of where will
txzookeeper be maintained, whether it will find its place eventually
in Apache's zookeeper source tree for example, or will it stay on

To set the context, my company already uses Apache projects, and from
time to time we have been submitting patches and projects with ASF
License. However our legal department will probably have similar
questions regarding txzookeeper in order to approve its usage


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