Gary begs: please, somebody, fix the trunk unit tests so CI will pass

Jeff Pihach jeff.pihach at
Sun May 5 17:16:28 UTC 2013

I will investigate the textarea resize issues during my travel time and 
hope to have a real solution come Oakland.


Jeff Pihach wrote:
> This should fix the issues in IE and firefox (tested locally on prod and
> debug).
> -Jeff
> On 13-05-05 09:50 AM, Jeff Pihach wrote:
>> Hi Gary,
>> I can land a fix for the textarea to get the CI up and running but
>> we'll have to revisit this week to track down the root cause.
>> I am unable to reproduce the IE issue locally however it looks like a
>> timeout issue. I'll remove the reduced timeouts introduced in the
>> import branch to see if that resolves it.
>> I'll send another reply to this thread once it's ready for review.
>> -Jeff
>> Gary Poster wrote:
>>> Yes, unit tests work in Chrome, but we now have a new IE failure from
>>> somebody, and we still don't have a FF fix from the textarea widget.
>>> Pleeeeeeeze?
>>> The failing tests we've had for almost a week (!!!) are almost
>>> exclusively our fault, not Canonistack's.
>>> If you are tackling it, please let other people know so we don't dupe.
>>> Thanks
>>> Gary
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