Error deploying charm on juju-core with CI options

Gary Poster gary.poster at
Fri Jun 14 19:19:52 UTC 2013

On 06/14/2013 11:23 AM, Nicola 'teknico' Larosa wrote:
> When using the charm to deploy a branch with these config changes on
> juju-core, for testing CI:
> juju-gui-source: lp:~teknico/juju-gui/fix-charm-panel-tests
> staging: true
> serve-tests: true
> secure: false
> $ juju bootstrap -e juju-gui-testing
> $ JUJU_ENV=juju-gui-testing make deploy
> the following error happens in the install hook:
> 2013/06/14 14:08:04 INFO juju-gui/0: >>> Entering install
>   ValueError('Unable to use staging with go backend')
> 2013/06/14 14:08:04 INFO worker/uniter: HOOK ValueError: Unable to use
>   staging with go backend
> 2013/06/14 14:08:04 ERROR worker/uniter: hook failed: exit status 1
> Is anyone able to deploy with juju-core and staging enable?

I hope not.  You should not be able to, because staging == improv and
there is no improv for Go.

The question is whether you can simply run bin/test-charm with Juju
Core.  Francesco has it working, AIUI, presumably by not running the
tests dependent on staging/improv.  I have not tried it myself.  For
now, our test automation still uses pyjuju.  Francesco's work is an
important step in the direction of switching to Juju Core.


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