bugs for tomorrow/OSCON (Huw will fix the world!)

Gary Poster gary.poster at canonical.com
Thu Jul 11 22:47:39 UTC 2013

Huw might have a chance to get to a few of these.  We should address the
rest tomorrow.

1) Huw might be able to work on charm browser issue having to do with
searches and categories.  If he doesn't get around to it, he will tell
us and we can fix it. (Gary can describe issue better.)

2) We need consistent home links in sidepanel and full view.  Huw might
be able to get to this.  We might need Rick's help tomorrow.

3) horizontal scroll bar is in trunk.  overflow: hidden on body might
fix.  Huw plans to get to this.

4) https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1200412 ("drag-and-drop:
dropping a service on a non-drop target leaves the token appended to the

5) Huw might incorporate Ant's sticky code as an interim measure, and if
not, Jeff will.  Jeff will continue to investigate other sticky header
approaches as a slack time task.

6) Very nice to have: Huw or we will incorporate Ant's CSS transitions
into the charm browser (for opening and closing stuff).

Thanks! :-)

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