Juju GUI documentation online: it's aliiiiive!

Gary Poster gary.poster at canonical.com
Wed Apr 3 03:09:36 UTC 2013

On 04/02/2013 05:56 PM, Gary Poster wrote:
> I remembered readthedocs and threw it together this afternoon while
> doing other things.
> https://juju-gui.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
> Needs some work (how 'bout that revision number?!) but it's public and
> live, and not bad for a 15 minute investment.

Could everybody on the team get readthedocs.org user names, let me know
what they are, and I'll add you as admins to the site?

Small fun task: add a pip-style requirements.txt to the tree that
specifies PyYAML, and configure readthedocs to know about it, so our
builds actually include a version number.  crazy talk!



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