Juju Storage/MAAS

Ian Booth ian.booth at canonical.com
Tue Oct 31 22:14:54 UTC 2017

Thanks for raising the issue - we'll get the docs updated!

On 01/11/17 07:44, James Beedy wrote:
> I knew it would be something simple and sensible :)
> Thank you!
> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 2:38 PM, Ian Booth <ian.booth at canonical.com> wrote:
>> Of the top of my head, you want to do something like:
>> $ juju create-storage-pool ssd-disks maas tags=ssd
>> $ juju deploy postgresql --storage pgdata=ssd-disks,32G
>> The above assumes you have tagged in MAAS any SSD disks with the "ssd"
>> tag. You
>> can select whatever criteria you want and whatever tags you want to use.
>> The deploy command above selects a MAAS node with a disk tagged "ssd"
>> which is
>> at least 32GB in size.
>> On 01/11/17 07:04, James Beedy wrote:
>>> Trying to check out Juju storage capabilities on MAAS I found [0], but
>>> can't quite wrap my head around what the syntax might be to make it work,
>>> and what the extent of the capability of the Juju storage features are
>> when
>>> used with MAAS.
>>> Re-reading [0], and looking for anything else I can find on Juju storage
>>> every day for a week now thinking it may click or I might find the right
>>> doc,  but it hasn't, and I haven't.
>>> I filed a bug with juju/docs here [1] .........
>>> Does anyone have an example of how to consume Juju storage using the MAAS
>>> provider?
>>> Thanks!
>>> [0] https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/charms-storage#maas-(maas)
>>> [1] https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/2251

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