Juju 2.3 beta2 is here!

roger peppe roger.peppe at canonical.com
Thu Nov 9 10:20:45 UTC 2017

I still like the idea of overloading the --to flag rather than having
a new --map-machines flag. It's concise and fits well, I think - we
want the machines in this bundle to mapped *to* the machines we're
specifying here.

I like the thrust of Tim's suggestion for "existing" but I'm not
entirely sure about that word - it's quite long and it doesn't quite
express the identity relationship that I see there. How about "same"?

For example:

     juju deploy --to 1=2,2=3,same some-bundle

Another possibility: use ellipses to imply the rest of the mapping:

    juju deploy --to 1=2,2=3,... some-bundle
    juju deploy --to ... some-bundle

On 9 November 2017 at 02:43, Tim Penhey <tim.penhey at canonical.com> wrote:
> On 09/11/17 13:06, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
>> On 11/07/2017 03:11 PM, John Meinel wrote:
>>> ...
>>>     > Perhaps just:
>>>     >
>>>     >   juju deploy --map-machines A=B,C=D
>>>     >
>>>     > ... or some variant of that?
>>>     >
>>>     > Let's use the betas to refine and condense and clarify.
>>>     +1 to that. I'm wondering if use-existing-machines is ever appropriate
>>>     on its own, as the machine numbers in a model are ephemeral but
>>>     machine numbers in a bundle are static.
>>> Feedback from Admins that one of their big use case really is for
>>> bundle-a to lay down a definition/base charm across everything, and
>>> bundle-b to be meant as an exact overlay, and all of the machine-ids
>>> are exact matches. And having to specify 0=0,...50=50 is a lot of ugly
>>> boilerplate.
>> I would expect that --map-machines means that machine numbers correspond
>> UNLESS remapped. So your ugly boilerplate is not needed.
> Been thinking more... how about this as a proposal:
> I think we can combine both the --use-existing-machines and the
> --bundle-machine into the single --map-machines:
> So...
> To use the existing machines as is:
>   --map-machines existing
> To only map two machines,
>   --map-machines 1=2,2=3
> To use existing, and map two machines
>   --map-machines existing,1=2,2=3
> Thoughts?
> Tim

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