/etc/juju/certs.d status?

roger peppe roger.peppe at canonical.com
Wed May 24 14:22:21 UTC 2017

I recently came across the code introduced by
https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/2294 which provides support for
reading extra certificates from /etc/juju/certs.d when connecting to
an API server. The PR description says:

"This feature is likely to be used when there is an agreed central JES
system that users can log in to without having to supply their own CA

However we have gone in a different direction for that - controllers
can now use public certificates so no extra certificates are needed.

I can't see any references in the code to CreateCertPool or
paths.CertDir, so it seems like it's redundant. Can anyone think of a
reason this code can't be removed now?


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