Consuming MongoDB from a Snap

Menno Smits menno.smits at
Fri Jun 23 00:36:09 UTC 2017

On 23 June 2017 at 12:09, Andrew Wilkins <andrew.wilkins at>

>> *1. Does snapd work on all architectures that Juju supports?*
>> The answer appears to be "yes with some caveats". For xenial onwards
>> there are snapd packages for all the architectures the Juju team cares
>> about.
> Ah, I thought the question was rather whether or not the mongo snap
> existed for all of those architectures. I don't think it does. IIANM, the
> snap comes from
> mongodb/mongo32/snapcraft.yaml, which (if you look at the "mongodb" part,
> appears to only exist for x86_64). So we would need to do some work on that
> first.

​I imagine we would have a custom MongoDB snap for Juju rather than using
this one as is. We want direct control over the snap. The niemeyer snap
would probably be a good starting point though.

>> This is probably ok. I think it's probably fine to start saying that new
>> Juju controllers, on some architectures at least, need to be based on
>> xenial or later.
> Since the controller machine isn't designed for workloads, it seems fine
> to me to restrict them to latest LTS.
> One issue would be upgrades: we would either have to continue supporting
> both snaps and debs for mongodb, or we would have to disallow upgrading
> from a system that doesn't support snaps. That would OK as long as there
> are no workloads on the controller, as we could use migration.

This would certainly be a good case to use migrations.​

*2. Does snapd work inside LXD containers?*
>> Although it's rarely done, it's possible to set up a Juju HA cluster
>> where some nodes are running inside LXD containers so this is something
>> we'd need to consider.
> It would suck if we couldn't test using the lxd provider, though.

/me slaps forehead for forgetting the more obvious use case.​

At any rate, snapd in LXD containers does seem to work from xenial onwards.

- Menno
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