James Beedy
jamesbeedy at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 18:02:27 UTC 2017
One big reason this has been such a gem for me, is because once a user adds
his vm to a model, I can deploy/manage/admin the application for them
remotely on their local vm. This is huge when on-boarding new users,
because it helps negate all the things someone foreign to Juju might
encounter when deploying my custom bundles that need proxy actions and the
like ran to get them initialized. ALSO, now I don't have to screen share
and deal with all the remote assistance mumbo jumbo deploying and
configuring their local lxd envs on a per user basis just to get them going
(this has been a huge time munch for me previously).
On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 8:31 AM, James Beedy <jamesbeedy at gmail.com> wrote:
> @john, @andrew thanks for the details here
> On Sat, Jun 3, 2017 at 10:21 PM, Andrew Wilkins <
> andrew.wilkins at canonical.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 3, 2017 at 2:56 PM John Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com>
>> wrote:
>>> You can add a manually provisioned machine to any model, as long as
>>> there is connectivity from the machine to the controller. Now, I would have
>>> thought initial setup was initiated by the Controller, but its possible
>>> that initial setup is actually initiated from the client.
>> Given the command:
>> $ juju add-machine ssh:<target>
>> it goes something like this:
>> 1. client connects to <target> via SSH, and performs basic hardware/OS
>> discovery
>> 2. client asks controller to add a machine entry, and controller returns
>> a script to be executed on the target machine, using the discovered
>> details, in order to fetch and install jujud
>> 3. client executes that script over the SSH connection
>> Once initial setup is complete, then it is definitely true that all
>>> connections are initiated from the agent running on the controlled machine
>>> to the controller. The controller no longer tries to socket.connect to the
>>> machine. (In 1.X 'actions' were initiated via ssh from the controller, but
>>> in 2.X the agents listen to see if there are any actions to run like they
>>> do for all other changes.)
>>> Now, given that he added a model into "us-east-1" if he ever did just a
>>> plain "juju add-machine" or "juju deploy" (without --to) it would
>>> definitely create a new instance in AWS and start configuring it, rather
>>> than from your VM.
>>> Which is why using something like the "lxd provider" would be a more
>>> natural use case, but according to James the sticking point is having to
>>> set up a controller in the first place. So "--to lxd:0" is easier for them
>>> to think about than setting up a provider and letting it decide how to
>>> allocate machines.
>>> Note, it probably wouldn't be possible to use JAAS to drive an LXD
>>> provider, because *that* would have JAAS be trying to make a direct
>>> connection to your LXD agent in order to provision the next machine.
>>> However "--to lxd:0" has the local juju agent (running for 'machine 0')
>>> talking to the local LXD agent in order to create a container.
>>> John
>>> =:->
>>> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Jay Wren <jay.wren at canonical.com> wrote:
>>>> I do not understand how this works. Could someone with knowledge of how
>>>> jujud on a controller communicates with jujud agents on units describe how
>>>> that is done?
>>>> My limited understanding must be wrong give that James has this working.
>>>> This is what I thought:
>>>> On most cloud providers: add-machine instructs the cloud provider to
>>>> start a new instance and the cloud-config passed to cloud-init includes how
>>>> to download jujud agent and run it and configure it with public key trust
>>>> of the juju controller.
>>>> On manually added machine: same thing only instead of cloud-init and
>>>> cloud-config an ssh connection is used to perform the same commands.
>>>> I had thought the juju controller was initiating the ssh-connection to
>>>> the address given in the add-machine command and that a non-internet
>>>> routable address would simply not work as the controller cannot open any
>>>> TCP connection to it. This is where my understanding stops.
>>>> Please, anyone, describe how this works?
>>>> --
>>>> Jay
>>>> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 9:42 AM, James Beedy <jamesbeedy at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I think the primary advantage being less clutter to the end user. The
>>>>> difference between the end user have to bootstrap and control things from
>>>>> inside the vm vs from their host. For some reason this small change made
>>>>> some of my users who were previously not really catching on, far more apt
>>>>> to jump in. I personally like it because these little vms go further when
>>>>> they don't have the controller on them as well. @jameinel totally, possibly
>>>>> I'll add the bridge bits in place of the lxd-proxy in that write up, or
>>>>> possibly in another.
>>>>> ~James
>>>>> On Jun 2, 2017, at 12:56 AM, John Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Interesting. I wouldn't have thought to use a manually added machine
>>>>> to use JAAS to deploy applications to your local virtualbox. Is there a
>>>>> reason this is easier than just "juju bootstrap lxd" from inside the VM?
>>>>> I suppose our default lxd provider puts the new containers on a NAT
>>>>> bridge, though you can reconfigure 'lxdbr0' to bridge your 'eth0' as well.
>>>>> John
>>>>> =:->
>>>>> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 8:33 AM, James Beedy <jamesbeedy at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> https://medium.com/@jamesbeedy/using-jaas-to-deploy-lxd-
>>>>>> containers-to-virtualbox-vms-on-os-x-a06a8046756a
>>>>>> --
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