Weekly Development Summary

Menno Smits menno.smits at canonical.com
Fri Jul 28 05:21:58 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,

It's time for another update on what the Juju team has been up to. There's
been lots of great progress. Here are the highlights...

*Cross Model Relations*
It is now possible to establish relations between controllers! Here's a
basic example of how this looks on the command line:

$ juju bootstrap aws foo
$ juju deploy mysql
$ juju offer mysql:db

$ juju bootstrap aws bar
$ juju deploy mediawiki
$ juju expose mediawiki
$ juju relate mediawki:db foo:admin/default.mysql

This even works when the controllers are running in different clouds,
opening up all a number of exciting possibilities.

*Upgrades from Juju 1.25 to 2.x*
There's been lots of progress this week with the tooling to allow 1.25
deployments to be upgraded to 2.x. More aspects of Juju's model are now
covered by the export tools and work is now underway to support upgrading
of agent binaries. Work will start soon towards converting LXC containers
to LXD.

*Local Resources in Bundles*
Just as bundles can reference local charms, they can now reference
local resources.
As well as a referencing a revision of a resource in the charm store, you
can now specify a path to a local file when creating a bundle with charm
resources included. Here's a (fake) example of how this looks:

    charm: "/path/to/ubuntu/charm"
    num_units: 1
      software: "/path/to/bundle/simple-bundle.zip"

Previously, the "software" field above could have only referred to a
resource revision number.

This feature will land in the "develop" branch in the next day or so and
will be released as part of Juju 2.3.

*Operating System Upgrade Support*
Work is underway on a new "update-series" command which allows the operator
to tell Juju that the operating system version for an application or
machine has changed. The idea is that the operator can perform an operating
system upgrade of one or more Juju managed machines and then tell Juju
about the change.

*Juju 2.2.3*
There will be another Juju 2.2 release out soon. It'll have the following
important changes:

   - Fixed a recently introduced upgrade issue
   <https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1706535> affecting the Azure and
   vSphere providers.
   - Fixed model watching API to correctly report
   <https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1695335> instance status changes.
   - Added <https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1619812> "primary-network"
   configuration attribute for the vSphere provider.
   - Jitter added to metrics collection to spread out load on Juju
   - Fixed to charm resource cleanup.
   - Fixed potential race <https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1667162> when
   completing model migrations.

*Quick Links*
  Work pending: https://github.com/juju/juju/pulls
  Recent commits: https://github.com/juju/juju/commits/develop

Have a great weekend.

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