Consuming MongoDB from a Snap

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Wed Jul 26 14:58:30 UTC 2017

On 26/07/17 15:51, Felipe Reyes wrote:
> Some users run the controller in fairly big bare metal machines (e.g.
> 128G of RAM, I've seen even bigger controllers) and it won't be easy for
> them to have an extra machine to setup a new controller and run model
> migration, if their controller is HA then 3 spare machines are
> needed, this is hard to justify.

Could LXD solve that problem?

Seems like having A/B containers in each of those machines would be
fine. The total amount of work isn't growing, it's just shifting from
one codebase to the next.

So, the three machines each get two containers, the Juju controller is
spread across three A controllers, the new one goes into the B
controllers, and migration essentially takes place on the same hardware.


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