RFC "bootstrap --config" should be treated as "--model-default" and add "--model-config"

John Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jan 26 11:56:29 UTC 2017

So we know have "--bootstrap-constraints" to be very clear when you are
talking about the controller itself vs the other machines in the model.

Entries in a "config:" section in ~/.local/share/juju/cloud.yaml (and I
believe controllers.yaml) would show up in model-defaults and apply to all
models on your controller.

Given '--config' is what people are used to supplying, and is the wording
used in configuration files, it feels natural to use it on the command line
as well.

I'm not 100% sure whether it should be --model-config to match 'juju
model-config' or --bootstrap-config to match --bootstrap-constraints to
make it clear that you are setting values for the controller model, and not
for all models that you will be creating thereafter.

I'm pretty sure Michael Foord brought something like this up in the past,
and I'm realizing that it really does follow well from his proposal. I'd be
ok with leaving --model-default as a sort of alias/explicit request, but it
does feel like people using --config probably really do mean

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