lxd and constraints

James Beedy jamesbeedy at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 21:03:27 UTC 2017

> I'm implementing constraints for lxd containers and provider... and
> stumbled on an impedance mismatch that I don't know how to handle.
> It seems as though lxd limits (what in juju we would call constraints) are
> implemented as maximums, not minimums.  For containers sharing a host, this
> makes sense.  If you say "don't use more than 2 gigs of ram" then you know
> the max that container will use, and thus how much leftover you can expect
> the host to have for other containers.

The problem of lxd controllers using 50% -1GB (the default for wild tiger
mongo engine) of the host ram should fall into this category of use cases.
- "don't use more than X gigs of ram"


> However, in Juju's case, we expect constraints to be minimums, so that we
> know the unit on that machine will have enough RAM to function (e.g. "give
> me a machine with at least 2GB of RAM, since I know my application won't
> work well with less").
> This impedance mismatch is tricky to untangle.  With a naive implementation
> of Juju constraints for lxd as a straight up setting of lxd limits, then
> you can add a lxd container and specify a memory constraint that is higher
> than the host machine's memory, and lxd will happily let you do that....
> because it knows that container won't exceed that amount of memory (by
> definition it cannot).  But it means that juju will then let you deploy a
> unit that needs more memory than the container has access to.
> Note that this is also the case for setting cores.  On my local lxd
> environment I can juju add-machine --constraints cores=48 and the container
> will be created just fine.
> I'm not really sure how to resolve this problem.  Maybe it's not a
> problem.  Maybe constraints just have a different meaning for containers?
> You have to specify the machine number you're deploying to for any
> deployment past the first anyway, so you're already manually choosing the
> machine, at which point, constraints don't really make sense anyway.
> -Nate
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