LXD certificate expiry issue

Menno Smits menno.smits at canonical.com
Mon Feb 13 07:48:19 UTC 2017

Today Juju bootstraps started failing for me with the following error:

cmd supercommand.go:458 new environ: creating LXD client: Get x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid

It took me a while to figure out what was happening but it turned out that
the LXD's server certificate had expired over the weekend (confirmed by
inspecting the certificate file with openssl). If you delete
/var/lib/lxd/server.{crt,key} and restart lxd it'll generate a new
certificate and key.

I noticed that the newly generated certificate lasts for 10 years whereas
the last one was only valid for 1 year. I guess I started using LXD on this
machine 1 year ago.

I hope this helps anyone else who runs into this.

- Menno
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