Juju 2.1-beta5 is here

Rick Harding rick.harding at canonical.com
Sat Feb 4 18:18:00 UTC 2017

Narinder, so the beta5 includes the container networking changes that are
required to help make sure that Juju stops guessing bindings incorrectly.
If you look at the error messages in those commands you can see a new error
that the beta5 presents:

          message: 'unable to setup network: no obvious space for container
            host machine has spaces: "admin-api", "external",

This generally means that you need to be explicit in the bindings. I see in
your bundle paste that you have bindinds for each application on machine 0.
I would suggest checking if there are any endpoints that are missing form
the definition? There's a mechanism to define a default binding for the
application, but I'm unable to recall/find that at the moment. I've /cc'd
John who's been working on this and might have another hint for you.

I'd check the bindings for the ones that don't come up and see if that


On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 1:06 PM Narinder Gupta <narinder.gupta at canonical.com>

> Here you go.
> juju status --format yaml
> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23927017/
> juju show-machine 0
> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23927020/
> pastebinit bundles.yaml
> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23927027/
> Thanks and Regards,
> Narinder Gupta (PMP)                   narinder.gupta at canonical.com
> Canonical, Ltd.                    narindergupta [irc.freenode.net]+1.281.736.5150 <(281)%20736-5150>                            narindergupta2007[skype]
> Ubuntu- Linux for human beings | www.ubuntu.com | www.canonical.com
> On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Rick Harding <rick.harding at canonical.com>
> wrote:
> Narinder, can you share the output of juju status --format=yaml and juju
> show-machine 0
> On Sat, Feb 4, 2017, 5:15 AM Narinder Gupta <narinder.gupta at canonical.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Nicholas,
> I am finding issues when do the deployment. Bundle i used to deploy with
> juju 2.1-beta4 does not get deployed with juju-2.1-beta5.
> Reason of that is mongodb lxd container still waiting to get machine which
> was not the case for juju 2.1-beta4
> mongodb/0                 waiting      allocating  0/lxd/3
>           waiting for machine
> You can see here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23924329/ all services came
> up except mongodb and openfv-promise. I can confirm that if I switch to
> beta4 everything works. Here is the bundle i am deploying
> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23924334/
> Thanks and Regards,
> Narinder Gupta (PMP)                   narinder.gupta at canonical.com
> Canonical, Ltd.                    narindergupta [irc.freenode.net]+1.281.736.5150 <(281)%20736-5150>                            narindergupta2007[skype]
> Ubuntu- Linux for human beings | www.ubuntu.com | www.canonical.com
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 5:54 PM, Nicholas Skaggs <
> nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com> wrote:
> The Juju team would like to introduce Juju and conjure-up 2.1-beta5! The
> most visible changes are to container networking and that juju controllers
> now expose Prometheus metrics over an HTTPS endpoint. Finally, conjure-up
> is also a snap, provides juju, and can be installed on trusty as a snap as
> well!
> We would especially like feedback on the container networking changes. Do
> let us know of your experiences, and feel free to open bugs and threads to
> discuss.
> ## What’s New in Beta 5
>     [conjure-up] Now snapped for Trusty and Xenial.
>     [conjure-up] Support for Canonical Kubernetes 1.5.2.
>     [conjure-up] Ability to teardown models with the new `conjure-down`
> command.
>     [juju] Container networking improvements:
>         - LXD and KVM guests no longer join all spaces on the host
> machine, but use constraints and bindings to determine what spaces should
> be used
> - Bridges are not created during provisioning, but only created on demand
> for containers that will use them.
> - For clouds other than MAAS, we continue to put containers onlocal
> bridges (lxdbr0)
>    [juju] Juju ssh/scp now selects correct address to use to connect to
> the controller.
>     [juju] Model config now supports an "extra-info" field for holding
> additional metadata.
>     [juju] More memory leaks have been addressed.
>     [juju] Stricter rules for validating charm metadata field names to
> conform to data storage requirements. Charm metadata fields can not contain
> dots.
>     [juju] controllers now expose HTTPS endpoints under “/introspection/”,
> accessible to controller superusers, and users with read access to the
> controller model:/introspection/debug/pprof/profile,
> /introspection/depengine/,/introspection/metrics.
> ## Bugs Addressed
> Check the milestones for a detailed breakdown of juju and conjure-up bugs
> corrected.
> https://launchpad.net/juju/+milestone/2.1-beta5
> https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/milestone/14?closed=1
> ## How do I get it?
> If you are running Ubuntu, you can get Juju from the juju devel ppa:
>    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/devel; sudo apt-get update
>    sudo apt-get install juju
> Or install Juju from the snap store:
>    snap install juju --beta --devmode
> Install conjure-up from the snap store:
> snap install conjure-up --classic --beta
> If you are on Trusty, you'll need to run a few extra commands:
>    sudo apt-get install snapd
>    sudo groupadd lxd && sudo usermod -a -G lxd $USER
>    sudo reboot
> Now you can install snaps, including conjure-up, as normal:
>    snap install conjure-up --classic --beta
> Windows, Centos, and macOS users can get a corresponding Juju installer at:
>    https://launchpad.net/juju/+milestone/2.1-beta5
> ## Feedback Appreciated!
> We encourage everyone to let us know how you’re using Juju. Send us a
> message on Twitter using #jujucharms, join us at #juju on freenode, and
> subscribe to the mailing list at juju at lists.ubuntu.com.
> --
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