List plugins installed?

Stuart Bishop stuart.bishop at
Fri Sep 30 11:57:44 UTC 2016

On 30 September 2016 at 04:47, Nate Finch <nate.finch at> wrote:

> Seem alike the easiest thing to do is have a designated plugin directory
> and have juju install <path/to/plugin> copy the binary/script there.  Then
> we're only running plugins the user has specifically asked to install.

This does not work if the plugin has dependencies, such as the Python
standard library or external tools such as git or graphviz. Nothing running
inside the snap containment can access stuff outside of the containment.

I think it will be more complex solution that needs to be designed with the
snappy team. As far as I can tell its either going to need a small daemon
running outside of containment and a way of passing messages to it (such as
how a snap can open a web page in a browser running outside of
containment), or having plugins distributed as snaps and somehow allowing
the juju snap to call executables in these plugin snaps.

(which is going to take time, so I guess we need to keep the existing
mechanism going a while longer and the snap in devmode)

Stuart Bishop <stuart.bishop at>
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