Bootstrap Constraints

James Beedy jamesbeedy at
Wed Oct 19 20:45:16 UTC 2016


>From what I can gather, Juju either allows or disallows you to bootstrap to
a specific network/subnet dependent on whether or not the provider supports
a network space bootstrap constraint. The EC2 provider just so happens to
be one of the providers which doesn't support controller placement on
bootstrap. This is a massive problem for me, seeing as I have many subnets
for things other than controller nodes. I just can't seem to get the
controller to land in a subnet (seems to be chosen at some sort of random)
that doesn't already have other things in it that I don't want around my
controller. To facilitate bootstrap network constraints on the EC2
provider, I think a 'network' constraint is needed, along with some
filtering of the provided 'network' constraint value to ensure the subnet
exists, is in the current region and current vpc - seems like it might do
the trick until we have a flat model for controller placement that works
across all providers.

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